Jonathan Lear - Aristotle: the desire to understand

Jonathan Lear - Aristotle: the desire to understand

Preface    page ix
1 The desire to understand    i
2 Nature    15
Nature as an inner principle of change    15
    Understanding and‘the why’    26
    Four fashions    28
    The hearts of animals    43
3 Change    55
    The Parmenidean challenge    5 5
    The analysis of change    60
    The media of change I: the infinite    65
    The media of change И : the infinity of time    74
    A paradox of change: Zeno’s arrow    83
4 Man’s nature    96
    Soul    96
    Perception    101
    Mind    116
    Active mind    135
    Mind in action    141
5 Ethics and the organization of desire    152
    The point of the Nicomachean Ethics    152
    Happiness and man’s nature    160
    Virtue    164
    Incontinence    174
    Freedom and virtue    186
    The master-slave dialectic    192

6 Understanding the broad structure of reality 209
    Aristotle’s logic    209
    Aristotle’s philosophy of mathematics    231
    Metaphysics: the inquiry into being as being    247
    The most certain principle of being    249
    What is substance?    265
    A tourist’s guide to Metaphysics VII    273
    Mind’s place outside of nature    293
    Man’s place outside of nature    309
Select bibliography    321
Index    327